Reading this book is just so close to home. A controlling aunt or person who sort of help you. Keep reminding you and everyone around about it, expect you to be grateful and pay for it your whole life. Like a trained dog just waiting to be called upon, doing duty after duty. Just never ending. A best friend who thinks you are not good enough. Helps you one minute and remind you what a useless person you are. Sounds familiar?
Meet Jayne Scott.

Her mon died when she was in high school. The Wordens, a wealthy family "adopt" her in, hoping to keep their own daughter Rebecca in check.

Rebecca is pissed off at her mother and everything she does is to piss her off. Including going out with her mom ex-affair dude, who end up creating trouble for Rebecca after she humiliated him. But thanks to that, it started the point of her and her mother to start growing closer again. And we can finally see the similarity between these two characters. Horrible, selfish persona. Really remind me of some people I know.

Another character is David, Rebecca's brother. Jayne liked him since the very beginning. And typical story.

I like how the story is written. It's very real and it's pretty short. It goes to the point. And no new surprises. The characters were all mentioned in the beginning. So no sudden new person came into the picture. Which is really nice and well written.
It's funny and witty makes you smile at the subtle jokes between the characters. When they have a hard time being together as a couple, you will feel the pain too. The sex part is juicy enough without it being too much. Giving you with enough info to imagine yourself and not be disgusted by it.

Overall it's a really good book. Good story, bittersweet ending, realistic characters. Really awesome!

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